Mastering Complex Liquor License Renewals: Navigating Hurdles with Expert Assistance

Complex liquor license renewals can present unique challenges for businesses. A community board may oppose your application because of noise complaints, concerns over drunken altercations, or serving minors. Any community board complaints, police department or liquor authority violations, or arrests at the business must be treated seriously! A plan has to be in place to show the community board that you are seriously addressing the issue. Noise complaints may require a sound engineer to present a plan to renovate the location to limit the neighborhood’s exposure to sound. Improved training of staff to check identification may be necessary. Starting the process early helps you get these plans in place and to get approval from the local community board well before your liquor license expires. The last thing you want is to see your license expire in two weeks but have the Community Board demanding a meeting with you in a month! 

Be proactive! Contact us and discuss how we can help you work with the Community Board to renew your license.

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