The Pitfalls of Late Liquor License Renewals: Avoiding Fines and Business Disruptions

A late liquor license renewal application can be a costly mistake for any establishment serving alcoholic beverages. The right to sell liquor is suspended until the license is properly renewed. Continuing to sell alcohol after the expiration of the license, even if accidental, will result in violations, fines, and may even jeopardize your liquor license!

A liquor license renewal application cannot even be submitted until thirty days prior written notice has been provided to the local Community Board! As a result, the renewal process begins months before the license expires. Enough time has to be set aside to provide notice, and for the New York State Liquor Authority to receive and process your application. 

We can help you renew your liquor license on time so you can continue to serve alcoholic beverages and keep your business going! Call us and let us help you with the process! 

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